Class Queues
Well known queues used within Mayam Tasks and associated tools.
- Author:
- Markus MÃ¥rtensson
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final MqDestination
Messages sent to the analytics queue will be forwarded to ElasticSearch/KIbana by analytics-daemon.static final MqDestination
Messages to be handled by themqbackup-daemon/MqBackupConsumer
daemon.static final MqDestination
Messages to be handled by thebpms-event-daemon/MqConsumer
daemon.static final MqDestination
Messages sent to email queue.static final MqDestination
Messages to be handled by thetasks/MamIncomingConsumer
daemon, causing updates to be performed on tasks matching assets affected by MAM updates.static final MqDestination
Messages sent to the notification queue will be handled by the notification-daemon.static final MqDestination
Messages to be handles byjasper-daemon/ReportRequestConsumer
or equivalent daemon.static final MqDestination
Method Summary
Field Details
Messages to be handled by thetasks/MamIncomingConsumer
daemon, causing updates to be performed on tasks matching assets affected by MAM updates. All messages are created by Mayam MAM adapters and collected from theTopics
associated with them. -
Messages to be handled by themqbackup-daemon/MqBackupConsumer
daemon. Receives all messages created by Mayam that are not transient notifications. The daemon causes the messages to be copied to disk for troubleshooting purposes. -
Messages to be handled by thebpms-event-daemon/MqConsumer
daemon. Receives all messages created by Mayam that are not transient notifications. The daemon forwards events to bpms process instances and starts new process instances -
Messages sent to email queue. To be handled by Mule -
Messages to be handles byjasper-daemon/ReportRequestConsumer
or equivalent daemon. Messages should containREPORT_*
attributes for the report requested. -
Messages sent to the analytics queue will be forwarded to ElasticSearch/KIbana by analytics-daemon. -
Messages sent to the notification queue will be handled by the notification-daemon.