ClassDescriptionDescribes an
invalid reference
invalid reference
Declares theAttribute
or attributes, likely having scopeScope.VOLATILE
, required by the activity.Declares the activity as being interactive, making it unsuitable for recovery activities.Declares the activity to be for internal use only.Declares theAttribute
or attributes that are guaranteed to be provided by the activity.Classes used to represent configured activities.Describes an approval role.Together withAssetType
and a qualifier, the AssetSubType describes a mapping point for an attribute within an asset.Describes limitations placed upon the uploading of attachments to tasks; configured per Tasklist.Describes the mapping of an attribute to the MAM.Attribute mapping per primary asset type.Describes a means of keeping track of multiple AttributeManagers based on the Field.HierarchyLevel.The schema describes all aspects of an attribute that is shared between its rendered fields and is not covered by the annotations on theAttribute
itself.Schemas per attribute.The augmented schema contains information fromAttribute
annotations combined with currentAttributeSchema
configuration.Factory for creatingAugmentedSchema
objects.High level data type of the attribute value.Main class for Mayam Tasks configuration.A Control Value List (CVL) to be associated with aField
, providing a list of valid choices.Describes how the application is embedded within a parent application, such as a MAM or an NLE.Translations forManagedEnum
values for use as display strings.Provides a means to generically deal with the various configuration objects that have an identifier and preferably a user friendly display text.Definitions per managed folder attribute.Ref<T extends HasIdentity>A reference object meant to facilitate serialization of objects without producing copies.Activities that are executed server side.A named sort order preset implemented as a list of pairs of attributes and sorting direction, with the first pair having the highest priority.Describes how presets are chosen in the UI.Used with DisplayMode.ICON_LIST to map attribute values to icon and color combination.Schema details for attributes with a value class based onGenericTable
.For each task belonging to a task list,AssetConstraint
describes a constraint with regards to an asset attribute such as Attribute.ASSET_ID.Describes modes for navigating to the task list.Describes UI activities availble in the Tasks UI.