Class SiteConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SiteConfig extends AbstractSiteConfig implements MqConfig
Main site configuration class for Mayam Tasks.
  • Method Details

    • fromDefaultPropertiesFile

      public static SiteConfig fromDefaultPropertiesFile()
    • fromPropertiesFile

      public static SiteConfig fromPropertiesFile(String filePath)
    • fromProperties

      public static SiteConfig fromProperties(Properties properties)
    • getDbUserName

      @Config(key="db.username", defaultValue="mayam") public String getDbUserName()
      Name of the user used to connect to the Tasks database.
    • getDbPassword

      @Config(key="db.password", defaultValue="mayam") public String getDbPassword()
      Password used to connect to the Tasks database.
    • getDbUrl

      @Config(key="db.url", defaultValue="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mayam") public String getDbUrl()
      The JDBC connection URL of the Tasks database.
    • getDbShowSql

      @Config(key="db.show_sql", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getDbShowSql()
      The Show SQL property for the DB connection
    • getDbDefaultSchema

      @Config(key="db.default_schema", defaultValue="") public String getDbDefaultSchema()
      The default schema property for the DB connection
    • getDbConnectionIsolation

      @Config(key="db.connection_isolation", defaultValue="0") public Integer getDbConnectionIsolation()
      The isolation level for the DB connection. This property should only be set in the case of DB2 deadlocks, where the value should be set to 1. The default value is zero, which states don't assign a value
    • getDbUpdateLock

      @Config(key="db.update_lock", defaultValue="PESSIMISTIC_WRITE") public String getDbUpdateLock()
      The type of DB lock to use for entity updates. The default is PESSIMISTIC_WRITE (see Hibernate LockMode for details). Other supported values are: NONE, READ, WRITE, OPTIMISTIC_WRITE
    • getDbLockTimeout

      @Config(key="db.lock_timeout", defaultValue="10000") public Integer getDbLockTimeout()
      Lock timeout for update locks
    • getDbIdStrategy

      @Config(key="db.id_strategy", defaultValue="legacy") public String getDbIdStrategy()
      Identifier database structure naming strategy. Should be legacy to allow upgrade of pre 3.4 systems. While systems starting at 3.4, could use standard instead, there is little to be gained. Migration from Classic to NextGen persistence will initially only support the legacy strategy.
    • getMamUserName

      @Config(key="mam.username", defaultValue="SYSTEM+mayam") public String getMamUserName()
      Name of the user used to communicate with the MAM when not reusing an existing session.
    • getMamPassword

      @Config(key="mam.password", defaultValue="mayam") public String getMamPassword()
      Password of the MAM user.
    • getMamModule

      @Config(key="mam.module", defaultValue="com.mayam.mambrella.mock.MockModule") public Class<? extends Module> getMamModule()
      Name of the Guice module class that binds Mambrella interfaces.
    • getMamUiUrlBase

      @Config(key="mam.ui.urlbase", defaultValue="https://localhost/") public String getMamUiUrlBase()
      Base URL of the MAM web user interface.
    • getMamApiUrlBase

      @Config(key="mam.api.urlbase", defaultValue="https://localhost/api/") public String getMamApiUrlBase()
      Base URL of the MAM webservices/rest endpoints.
    • getMamMqUrl

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="tcp://localhost:61616") public String getMamMqUrl()
      URL pointing to the MAM MQ service (if different from the MQ used by Tasks)
    • setMamMqUrl

      public void setMamMqUrl(String mamMqUrl)
    • getMamCacheTtl

      @Config(key="mam.cache.ttl", defaultValue="0") public Integer getMamCacheTtl()
      Enables a cache for mam entities This cache can be either shared or local. The cache will have a ttl of the given number of seconds after read Default is zero and cache is disabled
    • setMamCacheTtl

      public void setMamCacheTtl(Integer mamCacheTtl)
    • getMamAclDefaultAssetGroups

      @Config(key="mam.acl.default.asset.groups", defaultValue="") public String getMamAclDefaultAssetGroups()
      Asset ACL settings for default placeholders
    • getMamAclDefaultMediaGroups

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getMamAclDefaultMediaGroups()
      Media ACL settings for default placeholders
    • getMamAclDeliveryAssetGroups

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getMamAclDeliveryAssetGroups()
      Asset ACL settings for delivery placeholders
    • getMamAclDeliveryMediaGroups

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getMamAclDeliveryMediaGroups()
      Media ACL settings for delivery placeholders
    • getMamCrawlerEnable

      @Config(key="mam.crawler.enable", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getMamCrawlerEnable()
      Enables a crawler that polls information from the MAM system.
    • getConfigDomain

      @Config(key="config.domain", defaultValue="demo") public String getConfigDomain()
      Task configuration domain. Each domain will have one and only one active configuration instance.
    • getConfigDefaultPreset

      @Config(key="config.defaultpreset", defaultValue="") public Class<?> getConfigDefaultPreset()
      Configuration preset class to use as a factory default.
    • getConfigDbEnable

      @Config(key="config.db.enable", defaultValue="true") public Boolean getConfigDbEnable()
      Enables database retrieval of task configuration. In-memory fallbacks will still be used for domains not found in the database.
    • getTestGenData

      @Config(key="test.gen-data", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getTestGenData()
      Causes random tasklist data to be generated.
    • getTestNoAuth

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getTestNoAuth()
      Causes user authentication to be disabled.
    • getActivitiesSiteModule

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public Class<? extends Module> getActivitiesSiteModule()
      Name of Guice module class that binds site specific code run as part of server activities. The module is optional (can be set to empty string).
    • getTaskDeletionDelay

      @Config(key="tasks.deletion.delay", defaultValue="-1") public Integer getTaskDeletionDelay()
      The delay, in days, between a task being set to closed state and it being deleted from the task list and henceforth only available through audit. A closed task is up until this point available as a history task. The default value of -1 disables deletion, perpetually keeping history tasks. Setting the delay to zero will cause a task to be deleted as part of the same ActivityWorkOrder that contained its CLOSE_TASK activity.
    • getTasksUiUrlBase

      @Config(key="tasks.ui.urlbase", defaultValue="http://localhost:8084/") public String getTasksUiUrlBase()
      Base URL for the the Mayam Tasks web user interfaces. Used to generate callback URL for ADFS.
    • getTasksUiLoginBackground

      @Config(key="tasks.ui.login.background", defaultValue="") public String getTasksUiLoginBackground()
      Custom background CSS for use on the login screen.
    • getTasksUiLoginTitle

      @Config(key="tasks.ui.login.title", defaultValue="") public String getTasksUiLoginTitle()
      Custom dialog title for use on the login screen.
    • getTasksUiLogo

      @Config(key="tasks.ui.logo", defaultValue="") public String getTasksUiLogo()
      Custom logo shown instead of the Mayam Tasks logo in the Tasks UI. Should be a data-url or an http-url (preferably same network).
    • getTasksApiUrlBase

      @Config(key="tasks.api.urlbase", defaultValue="http://localhost:8084/tasks-ws/") public String getTasksApiUrlBase()
      Base URL for the Mayam Tasks webservices, up to and including tasks-ws.
    • getBpmsEnable

      @Config(key="bpms.enable", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getBpmsEnable()
      Enables BPMS functionality within the Mayam Tasks interface and backends.
    • getBpmsUiUrlBase

      @Config(key="bpms.ui.urlbase", defaultValue="http://localhost:8083/") public String getBpmsUiUrlBase()
      Base URL of the BPMS web user interface.
    • getBpmsUiEditor

      @Config(key="bpms.ui.editor", defaultValue="ENABLED") public SiteConfig.BpmnEditorMode getBpmsUiEditor()
      BPMN Editor availability, given enabled BPMS subsystem.
      See Also:
    • getBpmsApiUrlBase

      @Config(key="bpms.api.urlbase", defaultValue="http://localhost:8083/") public String getBpmsApiUrlBase()
      Base URL of the BPMS webservices.
    • getBpmsModule

      @Config(key="bpms.module", defaultValue="") public Class<? extends Module> getBpmsModule()
      Bpms Module to use. For example (default)
    • setBpmsModule

      public void setBpmsModule(String bpmsModule)
    • getBpmsUsername

      @Config(key="bpms.username", defaultValue="kermit") public String getBpmsUsername()
      Bpms Username
    • setBpmsUsername

      public void setBpmsUsername(String bpmsUsername)
    • getBpmsPassword

      @Config(key="bpms.password", defaultValue="kermit") public String getBpmsPassword()
      Bpms User Password
    • setBpmsPassword

      public void setBpmsPassword(String bpmsPassword)
    • getApiAccounts

      @Config(key="api.accounts", defaultValue="") public String getApiAccounts()
      Comma separated list of account tokens (convention is user:password) that are valid for accessing Mayam APIs.
    • getMqUserName

      @Config(key="mq.username", defaultValue="") public String getMqUserName()
      Name of the user used to access the MQ.
      Specified by:
      getMqUserName in interface MqConfig
    • getMqPassword

      @Config(key="mq.password", defaultValue="") public String getMqPassword()
      Password used to access the MQ.
      Specified by:
      getMqPassword in interface MqConfig
    • getMqBrokerUrl

      @Config(key="mq.brokerurl", defaultValue="tcp://localhost:61616") public String getMqBrokerUrl()
      URL of the MQ broker.
      Specified by:
      getMqBrokerUrl in interface MqConfig
    • getMqModule

      @Config(key="mq.module", defaultValue="") public Class<? extends Module> getMqModule()
      Mq Module to use. For example (default, for ActiveMq)
      Specified by:
      getMqModule in interface MqConfig
    • getTransferDestQc

      @Config(key="transfer.dest.qc", defaultValue="qc/baton") public String getTransferDestQc()
      MAM target service for QC operations mapped to file transfers.
    • getTransferDestDownconvert

      @Config(key="transfer.dest.downconvert", defaultValue="") public String getTransferDestDownconvert()
      MAM target service for down-convert operations mapped to file transfers.
    • getTransferDestExport

      @Config(key="transfer.dest.export", defaultValue="") public String getTransferDestExport()
      MAM target service for export operations mapped to file transfers.
    • getRemoteRulesApiUrlBase

      @Config(key="remote.rules.api.urlbase", defaultValue="http://localhost:8084/tasks-ws/rest/test") public String getRemoteRulesApiUrlBase()
      Remote rules api to talk to. Used in for example foxtel to talk to the workflow engine
    • getChildTaskCounterLevel

      @Config(key="childtask.counter.level", defaultValue="0") public Integer getChildTaskCounterLevel()
      Value of 0 means the child counters are never increased or decreased
      Value of 1 means the child counters are inc/dec but no MQ messages are sent on (grand)parent updates
      Value of 2 means the same as 1, but MQ messages are sent
    • getAutoQcUrl

      @Config(key="autoqc.url", defaultValue="") public String getAutoQcUrl()
      Used for auto qc
    • getAutoQcUserName

      @Config(key="autoqc.username", defaultValue="") public String getAutoQcUserName()
      Username for the auto qc system
    • getAutoQcPassword

      @Config(key="autoqc.password", defaultValue="") public String getAutoQcPassword()
      Password for the auto qc system
    • getSiteAuxBaseUrl

      @Config(key="site.aux.urlbase", defaultValue="") public String getSiteAuxBaseUrl()
      Used for site specific auxiliary urlbase
    • getAuxUserName

      @Config(key="site.aux.username", defaultValue="") public String getAuxUserName()
      Name of the user used to communicate with the AUX system when not reusing an existing session.
    • getAuxPassword

      @Config(key="site.aux.password", defaultValue="") public String getAuxPassword()
      Password of the AUX user.
    • getTasklistsGroupsAclOverride

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getTasklistsGroupsAclOverride()
      Used as override of acls per tasklist and group Syntax list1:group1,group2;list2:groupA,groupB
    • getLoginDomains

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="Internal accounts:SYSTEM") public String getLoginDomains()
      Defines domains to login to. Syntax: key:value,key:value where key is what's shown to the user and value the internal
    • getOperatorGroups

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getOperatorGroups()
      Comma separated list of groups that will provide an OPERATOR role for their users. This (or its ADMIN/DEVELOPER counterparts) need to contain all groups that are to be supported in wf-config features such as viewGroup since the groups kept in UserAccess may be filtered based on these lists.
    • getAdminGroups

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getAdminGroups()
      Comma separated list of groups that will provide an ADMIN role for their users.
    • getDeveloperGroups

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getDeveloperGroups()
      Comma separated list of groups that will provide a DEVELOPER role for their users.
    • getLoginSkipDomain

      @Config(key="login.skipdomain", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getLoginSkipDomain()
      DO NOT ENABLE! Unless to work around issues resulting from LdapSystem not appending a domain to the user ids returned (as happened at DPO).
    • getLdapHost

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getLdapHost()
      LDAP host to connect to
    • getLdapPort

      @Config(key="ldap.port", defaultValue="389") public Integer getLdapPort()
      LDAP port to connect to
    • getLdapBindDn

      @Config(key="ldap.bind.dn", defaultValue="") public String getLdapBindDn()
      LDAP Bind DN (user to connect as )
    • getLdapBindPassword

      @Config(key="ldap.bind.password", defaultValue="") public String getLdapBindPassword()
      LDAP Bind password
    • getLdapSearchbase

      @Config(key="ldap.searchbase", defaultValue="") public String getLdapSearchbase()
      LDAP search base
    • getLdapGroupSearchbase

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getLdapGroupSearchbase()
      LDAP group search base
    • getLdapDomain

      @Config(key="ldap.domain", defaultValue="") public String getLdapDomain()
      Domain that user needs to belong to for ldap lookup This is the part of the username before + in case of vme
    • getLoginDomainsAsMap

      public Map<String,String> getLoginDomainsAsMap()
    • getClassPath

      @Config(key="java.class.path", defaultValue="") public String getClassPath()
      Additions to be made to the system classpath as a colon separated list of jar files. Typically used to point out the tasks-site-*.jar.
    • getSecurityCreateZone

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getSecurityCreateZone()
      Security zone to add for all tasks created by this deployment. Zone must also be listed among the accessible zones. If empty, no zone will be specified on create.
    • getSecurityAccessZones

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getSecurityAccessZones()
      Comma separated list of security zones for which the deployment should have access rights. Leave empty for access to all zones.
    • classLoader

      public ClassLoader classLoader()
      Creates a ClassLoader which is aware of the additional configured classpath. This loader remains cached, so future lookups will return the same object.
    • siteArtifact

      public Artifacts.Artifact siteArtifact()
      The Maven artifact used as site library containing configuration and additional logic.
    • coreArtifact

      public Artifacts.Artifact coreArtifact()
      The Maven artifact containing the running core web application or, if not applicable, that of the wf-siteconfig found in classpath.
    • getSmtpProtocol

      @Config(key="smtp.protocol", defaultValue="smtp") public String getSmtpProtocol()
      Transport protocol for outgoing email.
    • getSmtpHost

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="localhost") public String getSmtpHost()
      Host for outgoing email.
    • getSmtpPort

      @Config(key="smtp.port", defaultValue="25") public Integer getSmtpPort()
      Port for outgoing email.
    • getSmtpLocalhost

      @Config(key="smtp.localhost", defaultValue="") public String getSmtpLocalhost()
      Local host name used in the SMTP HELO or EHLO command. Defaults to InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(). Needs to be set if running in a docker container since it will not exist on the network.
    • setSmtpLocalhost

      public void setSmtpLocalhost(String smtpLocalhost)
    • getSmtpUser

      @Config(key="smtp.user", defaultValue="") public String getSmtpUser()
      Optional user for outgoing email.
    • getSmtpPassword

      @Config(key="smtp.password", defaultValue="") public String getSmtpPassword()
      Optional password for outgoing email.
    • getSmtpTls

      @Config(key="smtp.tls", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getSmtpTls()
      Enable transport layer security for mail.
    • getSmtpSsl

      @Config(key="smtp.ssl", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getSmtpSsl()
      Enable smtp ssl
    • setSmtpSsl

      public void setSmtpSsl(Boolean smtpSsl)
    • getSmtpSslTrust

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="") public String getSmtpSslTrust()
      Trust for smtp ssl
    • setSmtpSslTrust

      public void setSmtpSslTrust(String smtpSslTrust)
    • getSmtpAttachmentFolders

      @Config(key="smtp.attachment.folders", defaultValue="") public String getSmtpAttachmentFolders()
      Folders for attachments
    • smtpAttachmentFoldersAsList

      public List<Path> smtpAttachmentFoldersAsList()
      Folders for attachments as a List of Path
    • setSmtpAttachmentFolders

      public void setSmtpAttachmentFolders(String smtpAttachmentFolders)
    • getElasticsearchNodes

      @Config(key="elasticsearch.nodes", defaultValue="") public String getElasticsearchNodes()
      Comma separated list of hostname:port pairs for elasticsearch nodes (http port; typically 9200).
    • getElasticsearchUserName

      @Config(key="elasticsearch.username", defaultValue="") public String getElasticsearchUserName()
      Elastic search user name, or empty if authentication is not configured (typically via x-pack).
    • getElasticsearchPassword

      @Config(key="elasticsearch.password", defaultValue="") public String getElasticsearchPassword()
      Elastic search password.
    • getElasticsearchScheme

      @Config(key="elasticsearch.scheme", defaultValue="") public String getElasticsearchScheme()
      Elastic search scheme.
    • getElasticsearchApiCompabilityMode

      @Config(key="elasticsearch.api.compat", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getElasticsearchApiCompabilityMode()
      Elastic api compability mode.
    • getElasticsearchAnalyzerFilters

      @Config(key="elasticsearch.analyzer.filters", defaultValue="") public String getElasticsearchAnalyzerFilters()
      Elastic search analyzer filters, comma-separated. Useful examples include "lowercase" and "asciifolding". Leave empty for default analyzer.
    • getElasticsearchFiltering

      @Config(key="elasticsearch.filtering", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getElasticsearchFiltering()
      Elastic search TaskFilterManager.
    • getElasticsearchFilteringMode

      @Config(key="elasticsearch.filtering.mode", defaultValue="ALWAYS") public SiteConfig.ElasticsearchFilteringMode getElasticsearchFilteringMode()
      Elastic search filtering mode (CONDITIONAL / ALWAYS).
    • getKibanaUrlBase

      @Config(key="kibana.urlbase", defaultValue="") public String getKibanaUrlBase()
      Base URL for Kibana. Typical value is http://localhost:5601/, but default value is unspecified so as to be able to determine if Kibana is available or not.
    • getDefaultLightTheme

      @Config(key="ui.theme.default.light", defaultValue="light") public String getDefaultLightTheme()
      The default light theme for the UI.
    • getDefaultDarkTheme

      @Config(key="ui.theme.default.dark", defaultValue="dark") public String getDefaultDarkTheme()
      The default dark theme for the UI.
    • getThemeMode

      @Config(key="ui.theme.mode", defaultValue="system") public String getThemeMode()
      If the UI should defalut to light/dark or follow the system The valid values should be light/dark/system
    • getUseColumnFilters

      @Config(key="ui.use_column_filters", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getUseColumnFilters()
      If the filters should be merged in the column headers in the UI
    • getFileInfoGrowCheckInterval

      @Config(key="fileinfo.grow.check.interval", defaultValue="10") public Integer getFileInfoGrowCheckInterval()
      How long fileinfo should wait to check if a file is growing
    • setFileInfoGrowCheckInterval

      public void setFileInfoGrowCheckInterval(Integer fileInfoGrowCheckInterval)
    • getMamStrictMetadata

      @Config(key="mam.strict.metadata", defaultValue="false") public Boolean getMamStrictMetadata()
      Determine if we use extra strict metadata verification when creating item metadata. We might want to do this default true in the future (and remove config) (false; default).
    • setMamStrictMetadata

      public void setMamStrictMetadata(Boolean mamStrictMetadata)
    • getFileOpApiAccount

      @Config(key="fileop.api.account", defaultValue="test:test") public String getFileOpApiAccount()
      Default fileop api account. Needs to be added to the `apiAccounts` of all fileop-config.yaml files.
    • getDefaultStorageHost

      @Config(key="", defaultValue="localhost") public String getDefaultStorageHost()
      This can be used as the value for ManagedFolder hosts
    • setDefaultStorageHost

      public void setDefaultStorageHost(String defaultStorageHost)
    • getDefaultStorageRootPath

      @Config(key="storage.default.rootPath", defaultValue="") public String getDefaultStorageRootPath()
      This can be used as the rootPath for ManagedFile absolutePath()
    • setDefaultStorageRootPath

      public void setDefaultStorageRootPath(String defaultStorageRootPath)
    • getSettingsGroups

      @Config(key="settings.groups", defaultValue="") public String getSettingsGroups()
      User groups for which default settings (including search views) can be stored. The syntax is comma separated list of names that are either safe (guaranteed to have no comma in the name) and readable (30 characters or less; not an LDAP DN) or a safe+readable name directly followed by {{ and the full group name suffixed by }}. Example: Rapportage{{CN=FG_SIEN_rapportage;OU=Groups;OU=Sien;OU=Service Accounts;DC=nos-mc;DC=local}},...
    • setSettingsGroups

      public void setSettingsGroups(String settingsGroups)
    • settingsGroups

      public ValueList settingsGroups()
    • getAdfsMetadataUrl

      @Config(key="adfs.metadata.url", defaultValue="") public String getAdfsMetadataUrl()
      The URL up to and including FederationMetadata.xml of the ADFS server (typically https://adfsserver/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml). If kept as empty string, ADFS support is considered disabled.
    • setAdfsMetadataUrl

      public void setAdfsMetadataUrl(String adfsMetadataUrl)
    • getSsoType

      @Config(key="sso.type", defaultValue="") public SiteConfig.SingleSignOnType getSsoType()
      If non-empty, this specifies the type of Single sign-on solution in use.
    • setSsoType

      public void setSsoType(String text)
    • getVidispineImportTags

      @Config(key="vidispine.import.tags", defaultValue="__mp4") public String getVidispineImportTags()
      Comma separated list of tags to use when importing to vidispine This controls what formats should be created / transcoded into on import All tags are used
    • setVidispineImportTags

      public void setVidispineImportTags(String vidispineImportTags)
    • getVidispinePlayerTags

      @Config(key="vidispine.player.tags", defaultValue="") public String getVidispinePlayerTags()
      Comma separated list of tags to use when initializing a player (accurateplayer) If this is unset, the import tags are used First tag matching a shape will be used
    • setVidispinePlayerTags

      public void setVidispinePlayerTags(String vidispinePlayerTags)
    • getAccuratePlayerLicense

      @Config(key="accurateplayer.license", defaultValue="") public String getAccuratePlayerLicense()
      License key for Accurate Player, or left empty if no such license exists. Specifying a license may implicitly enable code that makes use of the player.
    • setAccuratePlayerLicense

      public void setAccuratePlayerLicense(String accuratePlayerLicense)
    • getHasMediaMqDestination

      @Config(key="mq.hasmedia.destination", defaultValue="topic://mayam.asset.update") public String getHasMediaMqDestination()
      This is the destination where vme-daemon will send the hasmedia events. The issue is that normally the events are sent to the same topic has asset updates so for backwards compatibility this also does that. It can however be overwritten here for better separation
    • setHasMediaMqDestination

      public void setHasMediaMqDestination(String hasMediaMqDestination)
    • getCacheUrl

      @Config(key="cache.url", defaultValue="") public String getCacheUrl()
      URL to the cache, currently only redis is supported Unset = unused Syntax redis://host:port/
    • setCacheUrl

      public void setCacheUrl(String cacheUrl)
    • getCacheUserName

      @Config(key="cache.username", defaultValue="") public String getCacheUserName()
      Username for the cache, not needed for redis
    • setCacheUserName

      public void setCacheUserName(String cacheUserName)
    • getCachePassword

      @Config(key="cache.password", defaultValue="") public String getCachePassword()
      Password for the cache
    • setCachePassword

      public void setCachePassword(String cachePassword)
    • getAlertsCacheMinutes

      @Config(key="cache.alerts.minutes", defaultValue="1440") public Integer getAlertsCacheMinutes()
      Time that an alert is in the cache. In minutes
    • setAlertsCacheMinutes

      public void setAlertsCacheMinutes(Integer alertsCacheMinutes)